
TUHS Admissions

Become a Part of TUHS

Talent Unlimited High School offers a rigorous four year sequence in both the Performing Arts and Liberal Arts. We admit students into one of five unique Performing Arts Studios: Dance, Drama, Instrumental Music, Musical Theatre, and Vocal Music. 


Please join us!
Virtual: 10/23


Families may register for an in person using the ink below.
Remains Tour Dates: 11/20
All tours start at 9:00am


Students are welcome to audition in person at our school: 11/22 & 11/23


Students can submit audition materials through the Additional Materials section of their MySchools account. The deadline to submit these items is December 1st.


Dance: Ballet/Modern (M42L)

Students take daily ballet and modern dance classes, improvisation, dance composition, pointe, and repertory. Students study dance history, anatomy, injury prevention, body conditioning and yoga, and workshops with professional companies. Students perform on the main stage all four years. Students complete internships with cultural organizations.



Come prepared to participate in a ballet warm-up and a modern dance combination. Applicants will be evaluated on alignment, the ability to follow directions, musicality, strength, and stretch. Applicants are expected to wear dance clothes (leotards, footless tights, and ballet shoes) and do NOT need to prepare a one-minute dance.

Drama: Stage Acting (M42N)

Students take daily drama and movement classes on acting techniques and tuning their physical instruments. Students study theater history, voice and speech, improvisation, and digital filmmaking. Students complete internships with cultural organizations, compete yearly in the National Shakespeare Competition.


Come prepared to present two memorized one-minute monologues from recognized, published playwrights. Characters chosen should be age-appropriate. Applicants may also be asked to do an improvisation and/or a reading of material provided at the audition.

Instrumental Music (M42P)

Students study music theory, history, and piano in 9th and 10th grades, and solo repertory and chamber music in 11th and 12th grades. Students take large ensemble classes and perform on the main stage all four years. Students may complete internships with cultural organizations, perform in special events including NYSSMA adjudications.


Come prepared to demonstrate competence and agility on their instrument by playing a selection of medium difficulty. Applicants must bring their instruments (EXCEPT percussion, piano, baritone sax, guitar amplifier, baritone horn, tuba, and double bass), and two copies of the sheet music. Applicants will be asked to play two scales from memory and sight-read excerpts.

Musical Theatre (M42J)

Students take drama, vocal, and musical theatre dance classes with specific focus on tuning their physical instruments. Students study musical theater history, ensemble-building, improvisation, and acting through song. In addition, the senior year includes specialized units in college audition readiness, industry exposure, and theater as a business.



Come prepared to (1) sing from memory, a song from a Broadway musical; AND (2) present a memorized one-minute monologue from a published play or musical, or a poem. Applicants must bring the sheet music in the key in which they will sing and must sing with the provided accompanist. Applicants will be asked to repeat vocal phrases.

Vocal Music: Classical/Opera (M42K)

Students take daily solo voice and ensemble classes in classical and contemporary repertoire. Students perform on the main stage all four years, including a fully staged opera in the 12th grade. Students study piano, musicianship/theory, and phonetics. Students may complete internships with cultural organizations, perform in special events including NYSSMA adjudication.



Come prepared to sing from memory (A) “Amazing Grace,” “Over the Rainbow,” “Silent Night,” or “The Star Spangled Banner;” OR (B) a classical or musical theatre selection. For option (B) applicants must bring sheet music in the key in which they will sing, and sing with the provided accompanist. Applicants should be able to demonstrate both chest and head voice and will be asked to repeat vocal phrases.


Dance: Ballet/Modern (M42L)


Prepare and submit two (2) recorded audition videos described below. For supports with creating your videos, you can view these tips

Video 1

Learn and record yourself performing one of the pre-recorded solos of Ballet, Jazz, Modern, or West African dance from the video library below. This dance video will be used to assess the following dance components: replication of dance steps, following direction, musicality, coordination, flexibility, expression. Record so that your full body and movement is shown. You can access the pre-recorded dances and music to the dances.

Video 2

Prepare and record a video of yourself that shares your passion for dance by performing a one-minute solo in any style or combination of styles of dance with which you feel most comfortable. This dance video is to assess the following dance components: creativity, musicality, coordination, flexibility, and expression. Record so that your full body and movement is shown. You may consider including the following: 

  • different levels (low, medium, and high)
  • different speeds of movement (slow and fast)
  • a jump
  • a pause
  • a turn
  • a balance
Call Backs

We may invite you to “call backs” for other school specific requirements. Schools also may invite students for live on-demand tasks. Do not be concerned if you are not invited for a call back. A call back does not mean acceptance or rejection.

Drama: Stage Acting (M42N)


Prepare and submit separate uploads of two contrasting monologues. You are also encouraged to upload a musical theater number if interested. Please note that a musical theater song is required for musical theater programs at the noted (*) musical theater programs.

At the beginning of each video, before performing, briefly introduce yourself by providing the following information.

  • Your full name
  • Your OSIS student ID number
  • Why you chose your monologue or song (30 seconds or less)
  • Why do you want to study acting? (30 seconds or less)
  • For MONOLOGUES: State the name of the character portrayed and the full title of the playwright. 
  • FOR SONGS: State the title of the song, the name of the character, full title of the musical, composer and lyricist.

View this Theater Recording Upload Video for clear steps recording your monologues or musical song.

Video 1 and 2: Monologues

Memorize, perform, and upload two contrasting, one-minute monologues from a published play or the sample monologues library. Examples of this may be dramatic/comedic, classical/contemporary, theater/film, or two contrasting characters that have very different personalities. Choose relatable characters within your natural age range and decide to whom your characters are talking and why. You may choose to play roles of any gender. You may select your own monologues to perform but are welcome to review and choose a monologue(s) from this sample monologues library. For support with creating your video, you may view these helpful tips

Call Backs

We may invite and schedule individual student call backs for interviews/auditions or other on-demand tasks and school specific requirements.

Instrumental Music (M42P)


Prepare and submit BOTH videos specified below. Students of all abilities and experience levels are encouraged to apply. 

Video 1

Perform ONE prepared solo selection without accompaniment. Playing without accompaniment means playing by yourself without a track or additional instruments.

  • Select a piece you feel confident performing that shows your skill level and musicality.
  • Before playing, briefly introduce yourself, and provide the following information:
    • Your name
    • Your Student ID number (OSIS number)
    • Title of the piece you will be playing
    • Why did you choose this piece? How does this piece speak to you as a musician? (30 seconds or less)


Video 2

Perform ONE scale of your choice at a tempo (speed) you find comfortable. For Video #2, drummers (i.e., candidates who play non-pitched percussion instruments) submit a video of TWO rudiments, rather than scales. 

  • This is another opportunity for reviewers to learn more about how:
    • low and how high you can play.
    • comfortably and quickly you can move from note to note.
    • clean and precise your playing is.
    • well you are able to play in tune.
    • well you know what notes make up your selected scale.
    • playing the correct notes is most important.
  • Before playing, briefly introduce yourself, and provide the following information:
    • Your name
    • Your Student ID number (OSIS number)

For help preparing a scale or if you do not know what a scale is, please see the Resources for Audition Preparations

Call Backs

We may hold “call backs” and request that you attend an individual online appointment to perform additional music tasks, for example: singing back melodic patterns; tapping back rhythmic patterns; or completing a sight-reading task for which you play a short amount of music from sheet music you have not seen before.

Musical Theatre (M42J)


Prepare and submit separate uploads of two contrasting monologues. You are also encouraged to upload a musical theater number if interested. Please note that a musical theater song is required for musical theater programs at the noted (*) musical theater programs.

At the beginning of each video, before performing, briefly introduce yourself by providing the following information.

  • Your full name
  • Your OSIS student ID number
  • Why you chose your monologue or song (30 seconds or less)
  • Why do you want to study acting? (30 seconds or less)
  • For MONOLOGUES: State the name of the character portrayed and the full title of the playwright. 
  • FOR SONGS: State the title of the song, the name of the character, full title of the musical, composer and lyricist.

View this Theater Recording Upload Video for clear steps recording your monologues or musical song.

Video 1 and 2: Monologues

Memorize, perform, and upload two contrasting, one-minute monologues from a published play or the sample monologues library. Examples of this may be dramatic/comedic, classical/contemporary, theater/film, or two contrasting characters that have very different personalities. Choose relatable characters within your natural age range and decide to whom your characters are talking and why. You may choose to play roles of any gender. You may select your own monologues to perform but are welcome to review and choose a monologue(s) from this sample monologues library. For support with creating your video, you may view these helpful tips

Video 3: Musical Theater Song

Perform and upload 16 bars (or approximately one [1] minute) of a memorized song of any genre. Musical theater songs are encouraged, however pop and R&B songs are acceptable. Songs can be performed with live or recorded accompaniment or without music ‘a cappella.’ Choose a song performed by a relatable character and decide to whom your character is singing and why. You may select your own musical theater song to perform but are welcome to review and select from this sample musical theater song library.

Call Backs

We may invite and schedule individual student call backs for interviews/auditions or other on-demand tasks and school specific requirements.

Vocal Music: Classical/Opera (M42K)


Prepare a video recording that includes ALL parts listed below. Students of all abilities and experience levels are encouraged to apply. 

Before singing, briefly introduce yourself. Please provide the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your Student ID number (OSIS number)
  • Title of the song you will be singing
  • Why did you choose this song? How does this song speak to you as a musician? (30 seconds or less)

Perform ONE prepared solo selection without accompaniment. Singing without accompaniment means singing by yourself without a track or pianist. Select a song you feel confident performing that shows your skill level and musicality. 



We may hold “callbacks” and request that you attend an individual online appointment to perform additional music tasks, for example, singing back melodic patterns and vocal phrases, tapping back rhythmic patterns, performing basic vocal technique (singing) exercises.