Welcome To

Talent Unlimited

At Talent Unlimited High School, we are an inclusive ensemble, empowering diverse individuals to collaborate, explore, and take responsibility for authentic, bold choices.

Stage Acting

Our Drama Studio students learn acting techniques and tune their physical instruments.

They study theater history, voice, speech, and improvisation.

Instrumental Music

Our Instrumental Music Studio students engage in theory, solo repertory, and chamber music.

They perform in special events including NYSSMA adjudications.

Musical Theatre

Our MT students take drama, vocal, tap, and musical theatre movement classes.

They study musical theater history, ensemble-building, improvisation, and acting through song.

Vocal Music:

Our Vocal Music students sing as an ensemble, study classical repertoire, and perform in an opera.

Students study piano, musicianship, and theory, and perform in special events including NYSSMA adjudication.

Liberal Arts

Our students strike a balance between the liberal and performing arts engaging in classes that best prepares them for life after high school, regardless of their post-secondary decision. 

In the Spotlight

Back to School!

We are looking forward to the start of the 2024-2025 school year! This year, we will continue our work reviewing and revising instructional and guidance practices to meet the needs of every family. We are excited about initiatives aligned to our community mission: 

We are an inclusive ensemble, empowering diverse individuals to collaborate, explore, and take responsibility for authentic, bold choices

Announcements & Schedules

Events Calendar

View all events on our Google Doc
- know all performance dates

Weekly Events Listings

View announcements in our Google Doc
- stay up to date with all things TU


College Office Schedule

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- join college visits & financial aide support

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Transcript Requests

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- make requests here by clicking here

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